Florida is a great place to live and rent and the Miami, FL area is particularly popular with people of all ages. Whether you are renting an apartment, a condo or a home you need to protect your personal property against loss. You may think that you are covered by the landlord's insurance but that is not true. The landlord's insurance protects their building, but it does not protect your content nor does it give you liability coverage in the event that someone is injured while visiting you or by your pet or family member. Renters insurance is not required by state law in Florida but it may be required by a provision in your lease. At Prestige Insurance Group Inc., we have more than 15 years of experience providing Florida residents with the type of coverage that they need.
As an Independent Agency
We are able to offer renters insurance from a variety of different companies and this gives you more choices. We take the time to get to know our clients and we know the questions to ask to help determine what coverage is right for you. You may think that you don't need renter’s insurance and if you own almost nothing then you may be right but liability these days is an important consideration. Having a place to stay when your rental is damaged so badly that it is uninhabitable is also important. The cost of renter’s insurance is very affordable considering the protection that it offers.
At Prestige Insurance Group Inc in Miami, FL.
We provide our customers with access to our team of insurance experts. We have the answers that you need to protect yourself and your personal property. You probably own a lot more than you think you do, and we will help you to come up with the valuable coverage that will make your life much less stressful. Why not give us a call or stop by our office to talk to a member of our team, we are here to help.
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